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Úvod »SKLADOM» Lucky Wink Tsubo-Oshi Beauty Eye Area Refresh Mask


Lucky Wink Tsubo-Oshi Beauty Eye Area Refresh Mask



Dostupnosť: Skladom
Číslo produktu: 90997
EAN kód: 4903329983114
Naša cena:
69,99 EUR (2 099,70 KČ) (Nie sme platcovia DPH)

do košíka:

Tsubo-Oshi Beauty Eye Area Refresh Mask is a handy acupressure treatment item for the eye area that can be used one minute a day for easy care.
Can be washed and you can also use in the bath.
Contents: 1
Ingredients/Materials: silicone
Size (cm): 14 x 14.6 x 4.9
Weight (item only) [G]: 96
Made in China
Manufacturer Name: Lucky Wink
Handling Precautions:
・Do not use for anything other than its intended purpose.
・Do not pull strongly or subject to excessive burden. This may cause damage.
・Should you observe any abnormalities such as swelling, itchiness and irritation during or after use, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.
・Should it get dirty, wipe with a soft item.
・Do not store in a damp bathroom as this may cause mold.
・Depending on the usage conditions, this may become discolored, color may fade and the materials may deteriorate.
・If worn while doing strenuous exercise or while sleeping, it may cause unexpected harm to the body, so be careful.
・Do not place near fire as this may cause deformation and deterioration.
・Store out of reach of children.
・Never lick or put in the mouth.
・Never give to a child younger than 7.
・When disposing, do so in accordance with your municipalities regulations.[!brand:Lucky Wink!][!upc:4903329983114!]


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Zákonným dôvodom spracovanie Vašich osobných údajov je Váš súhlas dávaný týmto správcovi v zmysle čl. 6 ods. 1 písm. a) Nariadenie Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2016/679 o ochrane fyzických osôb pri spracovaní osobných údajov a o voľnom pohybe týchto údajov a o zrušení smernice 95/46/ES. Účelom spracovania Vašich osobných údajov je zasielanie daňových dokladov za prenájom systému, obchodných oznámení a činenia iných marketingových aktivít správcom voči Vašej osobe.


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